Wednesday, July 21, 2010

These are pictures of my finished interior decorating. Billy had off over the past weekend and we got all the pictures, shelves and other miscellaneous decor up on the walls. It definately feels like home now...

This is our backyard. I am pretty sure it is the biggest yard in the park, so we are pretty lucky. Billy built the boys a great sand box...

I'm such a dork, but this is first tuft of grass in our lawn:) You can not imagine how sick of mud and dry dirt I am...

This is the lone tree in the state of ND...hahaha, just kidding, this is our little scraggly tree. Hopefully with some TLC we can make it flourish...

This is my front porch, deck, whatever you want to calll it. I love it...

BUSY WEEK!!! Oh my we go on Saturday the 17th we went to a friends house for a cook out and we got to catch up with all of Bill's former coworkers at Superior...from the conversations that we heard Billy definitely made the right choice going to Sun. We were going to go swimming on Saturday with Sally and Quincy but things didn't work out so we went swimming on Monday night after I got done with work. Billy told me before he left for work that he wouldn't be home until late but I got a call while we were getting DQ informing me that he was locked out of the house and he asked if I would come let him in the I left the boys with our friend at DQ, went home to let him in the house, went back to DQ to eat, and then swam for 2 hours with my boys and our new found friends.
Brodon loves the water but he got cold and started to shiver so he and I got out and just watched everyone else. Colton kept on swimming and then he started jumping and then he decided he didn't need any of us to help him so here are some great pictures...

Today wasn't a picture day, just a day filled with important phone calls and decisions to make...
I have been trying to get Colton enrolled into preschool for a few weeks now and I finally got him into one that is 3 blocks from my work and 2 blocks from the sitters house:) It is a parochial guided school and curriculum located in a church. I am so thankful that he is going to be going to school that I could have cried with joy!
More to come....

The other good news is that Brody took his first steps yesterday and Billy and I both got to see it... which is amazing! The bad news is that he bit a little girl at daycare yesterday as well...and he bit her hard! I called her mom and she was fine but I felt so bad and embarrassed that he did that. Hopefully the lemon juice will curb his biting habits. Until next time!

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